Tuesday, March 31, 2020

It's the Spring of 2020: a time of sheltering in place, avoiding crowds, making do and using up.  There's a lot of cooking going on, and since Santa brought everyone a nice new copy of the Joy of Cooking for Christmas, we're trying out all the recipes and sharing our results here.

Every single recipe.

This is the 2019 version of Joy, with almost 5000 different things to be tried (sorry, we won't be skinning squirrels or making shrimp wiggle this go round).  It's the best edition yet (trust me, I have five older ones).

We'll try to stick as close to the printed recipe as possible but since we're all staying close to home there will definitely be substitutions, which we will note.  We will try to label each post with the appropriate section from the book, add pictures, and use a five star rating system.  Being us, we probably will forget to do all those things.

Here's to many great meals ahead, and save some desserts for me.